The Highlight Text section is where you can adjust the styling of the highlighted text in your captions. You can use this to emphasize certain words or phrases in your captions. Use the Highlight Tool to set words or phrases as highlighted text.
These styles will override the Main Text and the Active Text styles.


This toggle will enable or disable the highlight text styles. When disabled, the highlight text will use the main text styles and the active text styles.


Set the scale of the highlight text. Adjusting this will increase or decrease the size of highlighted text.


The animation that will be applied to the highlight text as it is said. You can choose from a variety of animations and adjust the Intensity + Speed.


  • Blur: The highlight text will blur in.
  • Fade: The highlight text will fade in.
  • Pop: The highlight text will scale up.
  • Slide Left: The highlight text will slide in from the left.
  • Slide Up: The highlight text will slide in from the top.
  • Slide Down: The highlight text will slide in from the bottom.
  • Zoom: The highlight text will start large and scale down.
  • None: No animation will be applied.


The tracking is the space between characters. Adjusting this will increase or decrease the space between characters.


The text case is the capitalization of the text. You can choose from Lowercase, Normal, and Uppercase.


The color of the main text. You can choose from a color picker or enter a hex code.



The width of the stroke around the text.


The color of the stroke around the text. You can choose from a color picker or enter a hex code.


Add a background to the highlight text as it is said. When enabled, you choose from a color picker or enter a hex code for the background color. Additionally, fine tune the x and y padding, the rounding and opacity.